I wanted to discuss the catalog (more a fantastic art book that everyone MUST have in their art library whether they are interested in “fashion” or not!) that accompanied the spectacular exhibition that Gloria Groom, yesterday’s profile subject, (as you may recall “fashion” was a first love for her and she had worked on this exhibition for many years before it came to fruition), brought to the Art Insitute of Chicago in 2013 after it’s run at the Musee D’Orsey in Paris and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Gloria edited the book and coordinated all three exhibitions, working with each Museum’s teams, each had it’s own setup and flavor but none losing their commonality of the subject. But, of course, the Chicago version was, in my opinion, the best of all!!  The exhibition and the book are breathtaking.  Thank heaven we still have something to recall this exceptional moment in art and fashion history.

Inline image 1Gloria Groom with Mary Green (Gloria’s position bears her title, David and Mary Winton Green Chair at the Art Insitute of Chicago) at the opening of Impressionism, Fashion & Modernity. Photo courtesy of  Gloria Groom.

I saw the exhibition at least 10 times, probably more, and each time I saw something different. It was an exquisite exhibition in all ways.  The way it was mounted, the color of paint on the walls, the collection of paintings, many of which were being seen for the first time in Chicago, along with our own amazing collection, the fashions (both garments and accessories such as shoes, hats, gloves and fans), displayed along side the paintings. I have mentioned that I am obsessed with exhibitions just about as much as I am obsessed with books so this book ties both together so you can enjoy the exhibition, and the reasons behind it, whenever you like. Gloria’s contacts, her innate eye for detail and scholarly information, done in such an informative, not preachy manner, make this an encyclopedia for the subject matter it contains. A reference work that I have referred to on many occasions as well as just enjoying the wonderful reproductions of the paintings. I will do another post on the exhibition itself later in the week and highlight the influential couture designers the Impressionists used on their subjects as well. by Claude Monet.

A close-up of the green and black stripe fabric forms the end papers of the book.  Many close-up details of fabric, trim, etc. can be explored in the book’s pages.

Be sure, if you don’t already have this catalog in your collection, that you add it as quickly as possible, you will be all the richer for it!

PS Gloria has added to her favorite blog list!!!!  I am extremely pleased with the honor!


  1. Verdethica January 24, 2017 / 12:30 pm

    I have to agree with you, this was perhaps one my favorite exibits too. So well curated. The atmosphere was magical. It truely captured the impresionisma while the clothing made alive.

    • nenasnotes January 24, 2017 / 12:43 pm

      Thanks for your comment. The exhibit was totally magical!!! I hope you are enjoying nenasnotes and encourage your friends to become followers!!! I appreciate your support.

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